West versus East...again!
by Nick-At-Will

October 9, 2018

Lets see...there are only FIVE junior JCT squash-tournaments scheduled on the U.S. Squash tournament calendar for the season...FOUR on the east coast and only ONE on the West coast! What's the west coast junior squash-players to do!? Even IF they're able to make the cut and get into one of these high-ranking tournaments, (offering 3500 ranking points to the winner) they're usually seeded pretty low and required to play early in the morning where there's a three-hour (earlier) time difference! And...what about the gold events!? Well...pretty-much the same thing! There are 12 junior gold events scheduled on/for the east coast...and only ONE scheduled on/for the west coast! Do the east coast junior squash-players out-number the west coast kids...TWELVE to ONE!? We don't think so! These gold events offer 2000 ranking points to the winners. Again...what are the west coast junior squash-players to do in order to earn national ranking points? Can they and their parents afford to take time off from school and/or work to travel across the country to attend these events!? And...let's also mention the expense! We believe U.S. Squash needs to take another look at this imbalance (See: http://www.dailysquashreport.com/3_29_18_nick.htm) of awarding these JCT and gold events to the east and west coasts..."depriving" the west coast junior squash-players from earning national ranking points. Just saying!