Alan Stapleton: On Penning a Squash Short Story

May 19, 2015

For the last X years, I have been threatening to write a book. But then I ask myself , ..." About what ?"... "I can't afford to "... "who would want to read my trash ?"

I realised at school that I enjoyed writing. Uninhibited stuff. Actually wanted to go into Journalism but my folks pointed me elsewhere. To teaching. And somehow, my love for writing became stymied ? Into marking ? Into the moosh of life ? I don't know.

Then, I was offered a position in Marketing. Retail. And somehow, by mistake, a candle was re-lit. And I started writing. My family said they so enjoyed my Family letters. So I sent them to my friends. And they said the same. And I thought.....maybe I do have a talent, but I still didn't believe. really. And I didn't knmow what to write about

So, I have continued to dabble, mostly in and around squash with a monthly Balls to the Wall article which somehow found its way into Ted's paws. And the world started to open.

A Short Story about Squash ?

Give it a go. I still struggle to loosen myself from reality, into creativity, to find a story, afresh, in my mind... so most of what I have written is (semi) autobiographical. But the Short Story Challenge. It challenged me. I wrote, and re-wrote, Read, and re-read. Asked for advice, from wife and friend. And rejected it. The judges told me the same !!

I wanted to win. Hoped that I would. Not for the prizes. Just for the self-belief. And the pride. But I didn't, and I am still happy.

I have jumped over a little wall , and feel like I am out in a field. Starting to run. Is this a new beginning ?

I feel as if I have competed. I have not met the 12 other writers ( though I have read , and admired some of their stuff) but I feel as if I have met them. That we were in a team. That we have played against one another. Competed. We have shaked hands, and met each other in the eye. Unknown friends.Arm-in-arm

I feel as If I have been coached. I have not met the 4 judges ( though I have read, and admired some of their stuff) but I feel as if I have been mentored, guided. Has a key been found to open a door to take me towards a road, that I actually want to travel

Thanks to all. It was great. Like life !!