Nicol David...rehabs!
By: Nick-At-Will

May 8, 2018 - The New York Times coined Nicol David as the Serena Williams of squash! The eight-time women's world squash champion...who holds the record of being the #1 squash-player in the world for nine-and-a-third consecutive years has decided to hang her racquet up (for the time being) and enter into a period of rehabilitation to treat an on-going adductor and hamstring strain.

Following the unfortunate passing of her long-time structural integrator Ronald Fauvel, Nicol has obtained the services of a new therapist who she says..."is also good!"

In her own words..."When is it time to stop before we break!?" And..."It's just time for me to take a step back and rest...and fully recover!" And..."Be honest with yourself, which is not a sign of weakness."

So...Nicol has withdrawn from the May 15th 2018 British Open and the ATCO PSA Dubai World Series Squash rest and recuperate!

Wishing Nicol the best of luck in her rehabilitation...and as she said: "It's just time for me to take a step back, fully recover and fully regain the strength, energy and be hungry for more...and to give it my all!"

FOOTNOTE: See and hear Nicol at... nicoldavidofficial/videos/ 10155718071152266/

photos Nick at Will