Royal Army Team Draws Close
by Andy Garr

September10,2015. Just when it looked like a romp for the New Yorkers in the War of 1812 Redux Trophy event, The Brits stiffened their upper lips or some other part of their collective anatomies and beat the Fordham team 9-3 on Tuesday, September 8 and drew 7-7 with an Eastern Athletic Club squad on the 9th. The New Yorkers now hold a narrow 2-1-1 lead with three to play.

The play at Fordham was relatively peaceful. For these matches that means the invective was without profanity. The presence of several Citysquashers was undoubtedly responsible for such unusual and unexpected behavior.  Many of the Fordham players were unavailable due to heavy homework assignments. The four youngsters played their hearts out and behaved many levels above all of the adult players present.

It was not calm at all the next night at the Eastern Athletic Club in Brooklyn. The British captain made a few, not so subtle, lineup changes which bordered on “stacking’’. When confronted, he mumbled something about pancakes and walked away.  The New Yorkers, weakened by the beer and pizza came up a few points short in the last two matches and settled for what England’s Daily Guardian described in their front-page headline: “Royal Army Squash Team defeats New York 7-7”.

The Brits were miffed by the loss of the match score sheet (results not included below) The New York coordinator, disturbed by many of the lineup changes, apparently tore it up claiming it looked like a Chinatown menu sans the English translations. The President of NYSquash apologized for its disappearance and blamed it on the coordinator’s worsening senility and the late hour. She confirmed that after Saturday’s final match he would be removed from the Board. The British captain attempted to obtain an oral summary of the scores, but many of the players, some sober, had already departed. As usual, the EAC pro Adam Walker was a gracious host and let all the craziness pass without comment.

Below are the results of the Fordham match:

Kincade Webster (NY) defeated Mat Price (RA) 3-1
Peter Yuen (NY) defeated Alex Edge (RA) 3-0
Jeremy Keller (NY) defeated Will Mclay (RA) 3-0
Bert Godfrey (RA) defeated Jimmy Schinnick (NY) 3-0
Bert Godfrey (RA) defeated John Lennon (NY) 3-1
Paul Griffiths (RA) defeated Alex Laversa (NY) 3-2
Richie Fewtrell RA) defeated Van Potts (NY) 3-1
Michael Moffat (RA) defeated Dillon (NY) 3-1
Craig Lilley (RA) defeated Axel (NY) 3-1
James Bayliss (RA) defeated Pedro (NY) 3-0
Olly Barker (RA) defeated Victoria (NY)3-0
Sam Tooth (RA) defeated Jimmy Schinnick (NY) 3-1