British Royal Army Squad Returns for New York Challenge
by Andy Garr

September 3, 2015 - A powerful Royal Army Squash Team arrives today in New York to challenge seven NYSquash teams in attempt to regain the War of 1812 Redux Trophy. This trophy, regarded as the most important in all sports competition, was first won in the inaugural year of competition 2012 by a Royal Army team and wrested back from the British last Fall. The competition will be played in a series best-of-seven matches at various clubs. The British players have been on special duty for ten months to enable them to practice six hours a day.

In a questionable move the British scheduled the trip without regard to Labor Day Weekend in a thinly veiled attempt to weaken the New Yorkers many of whose best players are out of town.  NYSquash issued an apology to the USTA for the unavoidable conflict with the ongoing US Open whose attendance will drop significantly while the squash matches are held.

Security will be especially tight due to the expected presence of several members of the Royal Family. New York’s mayor Bill DiBlasio was extremely pleased that the competition would be mainly held in New York City. H stated “it is fitting that this competition will be held here where our great chef’s are known for their unique preparation of so many vegetables particularly squash”.

Here is the schedule (times to be announced):

Friday 9/4 Harvard, Yale, Princeton--afternoon

Sunday 9/6 St. Luke’s (New Canaan) afternoon

Tuesday 9/8 Fordham University --evening

Wednesday 9/9 Eastern Athletic Club --evening

Thursday 9/10 Princeton Club---afternoon & evening

Friday 9/11 Appawamus Club--evening

Saturday 9/12 Union League Club—afternoon