Royal Army v NY Squash Report
by Andy Garr

September 7, 2015.  NYSquash teams twice prevailed over the Royal Army Squash Team with inspired squash. On Friday afternoon, September 4, they took 10 of 14 matches played at New York’s Harvard, Yale and Princeton clubs. As expected the Brits complained of jet lag and the absence of promised beer. Beer was not offered at the Harvard and Yale clubs by order of the New York coordinator since the Brits refused to disclose the location of the “Junction,” their secret training location in Manhattan. The Princeton Club ignored the disliked coordinator and slipped a case in.

On Sunday, September 6 a team put together by Brian Mathias, the coach at St. Luke’s School, defeated the Brits 10-4 in a match where most scores were close. The Brits claimed that they would have easily defeated the Yanks had they not been lulled in consuming vast quantities of a gourmet buffet provided by the hosts. In addition, there was the expected protest.

The British Team roster included as their No. 2 Pvt Gabriella Sarah. Sarah was the same player who in 2012 was “impressed” into the Royal Army where she won a critical match. She then subsequently, after her discharge, was to play the next day for New York where she defaulted, claiming a suspicious injury which caused the Americans to lose a 5-4 match and subsequently sending the coveted War of 1812 Redux Trophy across the pond.  Banished to a “convent-like” school in New Jersey by her embarrassed father, she was banned from further competition in the series. Thus the New York coordinator refused to allow her to play on Sunday. The Brits claimed that the reshuffled line-up caused their loss and thus they protested. The New York coordinator, coincidently the official who claimed he was tasked to hear the protest exclaimed that he would consider it “when Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane”.

Here are the results:

September 4, 2015

At Princeton Club

James Green (NY) over Adam Elliott (RA) 3-0
Scott Bank (NY) over Warren Melia (RA) 3-2
Olly Barker (RA) over James Green (NY) 3-1
Scott Bank (NY) over Sam Tooth (RA) 3-0
Nicole Bunyon (NY) over Mat Price (RA) 3-1
Bruce Gordon (NY) over Alex Edge (RA) 3-0

At Yale Club

Alexander Schwartz (NY) over Paul Ryan (RA) 3-0
Julia Hemmendinger (NY) over Paul Grffifths (RA) 3-2
Drew Garrison (NY) over Craig Lilley (RA) 3-0   
James Bayliss (RA) over Lewis Muldaw (NY) 3-0)

At Harvard Club

Shyam Gidumal (NY) over Richie Fewtrell (RA) 3-1   
Bert Godfrey (RA) over Jan Larsen (NY) 3-0
Michael Moffat (RA) over Humberto Garcia (NY) 3-0
Malcolm West (NY) over Will Mclay (RA) over 3-2

September 6, 2015

At St Luke’s School

Ian Blatchford (NY) over Mat Price (RA) 3-0
Dennis Polyakov (NY) over Alex Edge (RA) 3-0
Brian Mathias (NY) over Will Mclay (RA) 3-0)
Chris Bloomer (NY) over Paul Ryan (RA) 3-2
Chris Bloomer (NY) over Bert Godfrey (RA) 3-1
Aaron Rothschild (NY) over Paul Griffiths (RA) 3-1
Peter Blatchford (NY) over Richie Fewtrell (RA) 3-1
Jen Gabler (NY) over Craig Lilley (RA) 3-0
Michael Moffat (RA) over Lucia Mathias (NY) 3-2
James Bayliss (RA) over Ned Monaghan (NY) 3-0
Olly Barker (RA) over Tom Howells (NY) 3-0
Matt Joniga (NY) over Sam Tooth (RA) 3-0
Lauri Sklar (NY) over Adam Elliott (RA) 3-0
Warren Melia (RA) over Laura Howells (NY) 3-0

Play resumes 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at Fordham University-standing room available.